forms introduced a new type of rule that sections are divided into those that are filled directly by the parties involved in the process (they are marked as a field of white) and those which are filled by the court (marked as a field gray).
Lawmakers also introduced a total ban on making any amendments or deletions to the form, even if they are confirmed by signature. Similarly, the use of equalizers.
Box 1st - Value of the dispute
In this section, be determined sum (PLN), which is a request application. Do not forget that the value of the dispute are not included in the interest of the loan, or any other costs incurred by the person making that claim.
One lawsuit is a claim.
If the claim is repeated from time to time, as for example in the case of claims for rent, the amount in dispute is the sum of benefits for one year.
3.11-4.6 Rubric - An indication of the parties, namely the plaintiff, defendant and attorney
In box, type the personal data of all parties. If one party is organization or company, enter its full name. \\
Section 6 - Request lawsuit
In this section, the plaintiff must type in the types of requests. If the number is greater than the defendants, the plaintiff must undertake to indicate how the money will be put to him.
reason, besides the principal of the claim may also charge interest of 12.25% per annum. It should also provide a method of calculating interest and the time from which would be charged.
Box 7th - Request a refund process
According to the findings, the party who loses a process is required to pay for it. However, if this person has made and reimbursement will be divided equally. If the plaintiff does not have its representative, the court decides on the costs of the office.
plaintiff may apply for an award of legal costs, travel to the courthouse or the equivalent of lost earnings or the representative.
sum of all costs can not be higher than those for a lawyer or solicitor who practices in court.
Box 8 - Other So the conclusions
process applications, which include: precautionary measures, giving the judgment immediate enforceability, conducting the hearing, even in case of absence of the plaintiff, the summons to the hearing all witnesses and experts, whose stated reason for making an inspection, order the defendant to provide documents to the hearing that will be needed to carry out the examination of evidence or object.
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